An escape to IKEA
Hey there. Kinda late to write a new post but nvm. Today me and Mr Am finally partially done decorating Mr Am's trading room. Went to IKEA, thank God it wasnt crowded as previous. An escape to IKEA on weekdays is such a pleasure I guess. No need to jostle among the IKEAns. And whats the most important thing is, no need to queue too long at the counter just to buy a few items only. That is such a blessing I guess ;)
So..... actually, we didnt plan at all to go to IKEA today. It was just a pop up 'brilliant' idea from me harharhar. We did planned to go to Kaison actually but somehow we turned up somewhere else. I nak beli DIY photo frame actually kat Kaison, but suddenly felt so pity with Mr Am because his room is still empty. No proper desk or chair for his trading purpose. So, I guess, maybe this is the right time kot, to buy 'something' to fill the emptiness in his room. If sempat, then later we can go to Kaison at Paradigm Mall (which actually tak sempat because we did tawaf the IKEA first) Well, you know you are truly home deco lovers when you didnt realize that you've spent more than two hours at IKEA just tengok2 those home deco. Beli barangnya sikit sangat, 'bersiar-siar'nya yang lama haha
After a few hours at IKEA, we did found a few stuffs to buy. Paling penting, found his trading desk and computer chair! Yey! Mula-mula nak beli yang warna putih, then suddenly, rezeki datang jumpa yang As-Is, warna kinda putih susu which has the cheaper price than that white in color. So, fikir punya fikir, we then grabbed that putih susu desk. Dia punya computer chair mashaAllah best betol. If I duduk atas kerusi tu I guess I boleh tidur kat situ kot. Best gile. Sabo je la kita ni yang duduk atas kerusi plastik RM10 je hihi. Tapi thats not a big deal for me. Dia punya barang tu pun for my benefits jugak haha. If dia dapat tempat trading, working space yang selesa, he can generate more money, so tempiasnya dapat kat I jugak kihkihkih
Shopping sikit je this time. Poket keghing. |
Assembly time!
Shopping part was awesome, but assembly time was terrible! Nak taknak kena buat jugak kan. Nak upah orang kena bayar pulak. Better pasang sendiri. Tetibe teringat those moments masa baru masuk rumah. Rumah kosong, of course kena beli furniture ye dak? Then, ke IKEA la jawabnya. Part shopping mak aih bukan main best lagi oi. Balik rumah menangis hah. Macam puzzle nak kena pasang satu satu. Time tu, set azam, one day bila dah kaya, nak upah orang je tolong assemblykan. Tak larat dah oi. Sampai ke subuh pasangnya. Last-last dua tidur terbongkang.
Ok maybe dah cukup kot for this time. Mr Am ajak supper pulak. See ya :)
Trip escape ke IKEA ni sampai kena cancel class dengan student. Shopping tak ingat dunia, but that was fun.
With love ❤
Mrs Am.
Thanks for reading :)
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Honey in My Life ♥
Mr Am
My protector, my guardian, my teacher, my boss, my everything. Introvert just like me, but kind of strict and fierce person. Easily got pissed off with small things, cute in his own way. He is a part time student with his part time job as a software engineer and market analyzer & trader. Very attached to me hihi, which can be good, but sometimes can be bad because he cant do cleaning or stuffs like that, or even taking care of himself without my help. Loves rabbit and cats, or I can say that he is an animal lover with a sweet and gentle heart. He can be strict but he can be sweet at the same time. I love him so much. Cant imagine my life without him.
Ammi Abah Buah hati, permata hati, jantung, kesayangan, sweethearts & segalanyalah. They raised me. Jaga diri I bagaikan menatang minyak yang penuh. They gave me everything, and now it's my turn to give back. One day I will bring them to Makkah, I will give them everything that they want, I will take care of them just like how they took care of me. Sayang sangat kedua-duanya. Cant imagine my life without them. How I wish I can pay all the kindness, love that they had give me. Please ya Allah, take my life before them. I just cant live without the presence of them & Mr Am. Semua jasa mereka, hanya Allah yang mampu balas. Semoga syurga yang tertinggi dikurniakan buat mereka. Semoga mereka sentiasa sihat, murah rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan hidup. Love them so much!
My Cute Little Tiny Babies♥
This is my baby. Pop. Naming so bcs of she keep pooping around. She is an anggora bunny. Adopted her when she was just 1+months old. At first, the old owner told that she is a 'boy'. But then days by days we finally realize that she is a girl. Plan ruined bcs we decided to adopt two babies rabbits so that when they grow they can be mated together. But then........ Lets have a lesbian rabbits then.
Meanwhile this is Mr Am's bunny. Bulus. She is a teddy bear bunny. As I said before, we have planned like, I'm going to have a boy bunny meanwhile Mr Am is going to have a girl bunny. But unluckily, both of us have the girl bunnies. At first, we do know that Bulus is a girl because she has that girlish look, but she is so stubborn. When I touch her at first, she was quite aggressive. But Pop was quite tame. That's why I chose to make Pop as mine and give Bulus to Mr Am. But now it's changed. Pop is a very hyperactive girl. And Bulus is so so timid. So coward and so inactive. Put her outside and she will climb back to her house. Pop? Will do that too but takes time. She will wander around first and when is tired, she will climb to her house on herself. But that usually takes more time. 6-7 hours maybe? Or more than one night.... Or never.
When both of them were still babies. Mata sepet lagi time ni. Muka innocent gila. Best friend forever tu. (Sorang tu taktau yang sorang tu lagi menyampah dengan dia sebab asyik 'menempek' kat dia)
 An escape to IKEA
Hey there. Kinda late to write a new post but nvm. Today me and Mr Am finally partially done decorating Mr Am's trading room. Went to IKEA, thank God it wasnt crowded as previous. An escape to IKEA on weekdays is such a pleasure I guess. No need to jostle among the IKEAns. And whats the most important thing is, no need to queue too long at the counter just to buy a few items only. That is such a blessing I guess ;)
So..... actually, we didnt plan at all to go to IKEA today. It was just a pop up 'brilliant' idea from me harharhar. We did planned to go to Kaison actually but somehow we turned up somewhere else. I nak beli DIY photo frame actually kat Kaison, but suddenly felt so pity with Mr Am because his room is still empty. No proper desk or chair for his trading purpose. So, I guess, maybe this is the right time kot, to buy 'something' to fill the emptiness in his room. If sempat, then later we can go to Kaison at Paradigm Mall (which actually tak sempat because we did tawaf the IKEA first) Well, you know you are truly home deco lovers when you didnt realize that you've spent more than two hours at IKEA just tengok2 those home deco. Beli barangnya sikit sangat, 'bersiar-siar'nya yang lama haha
After a few hours at IKEA, we did found a few stuffs to buy. Paling penting, found his trading desk and computer chair! Yey! Mula-mula nak beli yang warna putih, then suddenly, rezeki datang jumpa yang As-Is, warna kinda putih susu which has the cheaper price than that white in color. So, fikir punya fikir, we then grabbed that putih susu desk. Dia punya computer chair mashaAllah best betol. If I duduk atas kerusi tu I guess I boleh tidur kat situ kot. Best gile. Sabo je la kita ni yang duduk atas kerusi plastik RM10 je hihi. Tapi thats not a big deal for me. Dia punya barang tu pun for my benefits jugak haha. If dia dapat tempat trading, working space yang selesa, he can generate more money, so tempiasnya dapat kat I jugak kihkihkih
Shopping sikit je this time. Poket keghing. |
Assembly time!
Shopping part was awesome, but assembly time was terrible! Nak taknak kena buat jugak kan. Nak upah orang kena bayar pulak. Better pasang sendiri. Tetibe teringat those moments masa baru masuk rumah. Rumah kosong, of course kena beli furniture ye dak? Then, ke IKEA la jawabnya. Part shopping mak aih bukan main best lagi oi. Balik rumah menangis hah. Macam puzzle nak kena pasang satu satu. Time tu, set azam, one day bila dah kaya, nak upah orang je tolong assemblykan. Tak larat dah oi. Sampai ke subuh pasangnya. Last-last dua tidur terbongkang.
Ok maybe dah cukup kot for this time. Mr Am ajak supper pulak. See ya :)
Trip escape ke IKEA ni sampai kena cancel class dengan student. Shopping tak ingat dunia, but that was fun.
With love ❤
Mrs Am.
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