Life Of A Struggler ♥ <data:blog.pageTitle/> | Struggler <data:blog.pageName/> | Secret Diary
Love the life you live. Live the life you love❤
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Sunday, August 28, 2016 ? 010 Budak Comel ?
You know you are true quotes lover when......


Bersepah quotes depan study table harharhar. Maybe for some people they think that this is really ridiculous, rubbish, such a messy or whatever, but for a quote lover this is heaven! Such a beautiful view hihi (masuk bakul angkat sendiri kejap) 


Zoom in sikittttt. Tara! 

Cantik cantik hehe. Puas hati oi. Sampai mogok hari ni ngan Mr A semata mata nak beli benda ni. Mr A doesnt want to go out today but I 'buat demonstrasi' dengan siap-siap dress macam nak keluar. And he was like confuse jap nak keluar ke tak last-last nak keluar jugak sebab tak suka bagi isteri dia keluar drive alone without him. Punyalah susah nak pujuk dia oi. Apa apapun he got his things jugak kan. Dah cantik dah trading room dia woo wooo. And mine pun cantik gilos.

Huhuhuhuhuhu tapi kan
Sampai terluka kaki buat benda ni huhuhuhuhu. Clumsy sangat kan, kan dah tersepak bucu kerusi. Sakit wooo. Pedis sadis  

With love,
Mrs Am.

Thanks for reading :)

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