Okay, right now here we are. Tunaikan apa yang tertunda semalam ; Kaison. Bought those DIY frame yang diidam idamkan then bought some quotes frame & board for Mr Am's trading room. Beli 3 terus DIY frames tu haa amik kau. Tu pun nak ambil 4 sebenarnya but then cancel la buat apa banyak banyak nafsu syaitanirrojim je tu
Then, saw Kaison restocked many new items. Wallpapers, quote frames n etc. Rambang terus mata tengok semua barang tu. Kalau ikutkan nak je beli semua penuhkan rumah dengan quotes tu hehe but then fikir future fikir future nanti saving melayang ekonomi crush nak makan apa weii. So simpan dulu duit tu, go home, generate more money then baru la beli nak beli satu Kaison pun kan kan kan
Spent about more than one hour dkt Kaison searching for the perfect quote frame utk letak kat dinding belakang sofa but at last still didnt find anything suits that part. Ada tu ada, tapi cam mahal sangat, not worth buying for this time being. So, skip dulu, cari utk bilik-bilik dulu la then.
Pastu, cari wallpaper pun menyumbang kepada pembaziran masa kt Kaison. End up tak beli pun sebab tak jumpa yang cantik. That day ada jumpa wallpaper yang very cuteee that suits my house theme but sayang sebab that time we still renting at other's apartment so why should spend money kat rumah orang kan. I mean utk stuff2 yang boleh bawak pindah still boleh consider utk letak kat apartment rented but wallpaper kinda a big no kot. Hmmmm tapi tu la sekarang takde rezeki pulak nak jumpa wallpaper yang cantik tu Tapi takpela, keep waiting. Beautiful things that worth buying doesnt come easily aite. So hold dulu.
Now jalan jalan Tomaz jap teman En Hubby usha usha barang. Tengok orang lain pakai vogue vogue kot masuk kedai tu but Mr Am simple je pakai tshirt, jeans and selipar jepun. Tapiiii, orang taktau duit dia berkepuk tu. Pakai je camtu tapi akaun bank hmmmmmmm Alhamdulillah je la. Tapi still quite stingy. He said kedekut bukan sebab apa, sebab dia pernah rasa betapa susah nak cari duit. So normallah kalau nak rasa kedekut n berjimat cermat sikit kan. Betul jugak tu. Orang yang tahu macam mana susahnya nak cari duit je yang tahu kenapa kena jadi 'kedekut' and berjimat cermat.
Waiting Mr Am. Sofa dia empuk gila. Memang best spot untuk landing!
Then terkejar kejar g Daiso pulak. Unfortunately already closed sobsobsob Sabar je la. Its okay sbb already got that DIY frame kan, so nvm takde la kecewa sangat (walaupun kecewa jugak sikit huhu sebab teringin sangat nak beli something like a drawer or box untuk letak or hias trading desk Mr Am) but its okay la no problem next time. Takde rezeki agaknya.
So right now kitorang lepak kt kedai mamak depan cinema tu. Pekena laksa pinang satu, really mouthwatering oi sedap sangat. Dengan laparnya adei. Mr Am terus melahap walaupun laksa tu still panas. And im here, blogging, while waiting the laksa jadi sejuk sikit. Then, i got a surprise from Mr A. 
Jeng jeng jeng surprise apa tu?
Hehehe its from UMobile! Actually kitorang baru je subscribe plan P98 from UMobile in which we will get 30gb data & unlimited stream via VideoOnz (such as youtube, daily motion, erosnow, and etc) for RM98 per month. Baru few days susbcribe but the performance was incredible. Speed boleh tahan laju, tapi ada kuota la. Actually we tried to subscribe for UNifi and Streamyx but since our apartment area is still new, so connection or fibre utk those line still takde. Katanya dalam progression utk install but taktau how long will it takes to settle down. Since Mr Am need high speed internet to work, so nak taknak must search for alternative solution la kan. Alhamdulillah la jumpa UMobile ni.
Then apa yang surprisenya?
Haaa surprise nya bila UMobile dah tambah sharing partner dalam VideoOnz. New sharing partner dorang are Netflix, Facebook, and Twitter! So kalau nak bukak apa apa at that website, it is consider unlimited and will not use thw quote provided. Hehehhehehehhe semalam je baru cakap nape la UMobile tak bagi Facebook unlimited baru la best nak bukak video kt Fb. Ye la kan Fb kan banyak orang share video gak. Serba salah kadang kadang nak bukak sebab it will consume your quota. But now tak lagi hehehhehehehhehe Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah 😘😘😘😘😘
Haih panjangnya blogging kali ni. Dah la letib dah menaip ni. See ya.
With love,
Mrs Am.
Labels: daiso, jimat, kaison, tomaz, umobile, videoonz Thanks for reading :)
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Honey in My Life ♥
Mr Am
My protector, my guardian, my teacher, my boss, my everything. Introvert just like me, but kind of strict and fierce person. Easily got pissed off with small things, cute in his own way. He is a part time student with his part time job as a software engineer and market analyzer & trader. Very attached to me hihi, which can be good, but sometimes can be bad because he cant do cleaning or stuffs like that, or even taking care of himself without my help. Loves rabbit and cats, or I can say that he is an animal lover with a sweet and gentle heart. He can be strict but he can be sweet at the same time. I love him so much. Cant imagine my life without him.
Ammi Abah Buah hati, permata hati, jantung, kesayangan, sweethearts & segalanyalah. They raised me. Jaga diri I bagaikan menatang minyak yang penuh. They gave me everything, and now it's my turn to give back. One day I will bring them to Makkah, I will give them everything that they want, I will take care of them just like how they took care of me. Sayang sangat kedua-duanya. Cant imagine my life without them. How I wish I can pay all the kindness, love that they had give me. Please ya Allah, take my life before them. I just cant live without the presence of them & Mr Am. Semua jasa mereka, hanya Allah yang mampu balas. Semoga syurga yang tertinggi dikurniakan buat mereka. Semoga mereka sentiasa sihat, murah rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan hidup. Love them so much!
My Cute Little Tiny Babies♥
This is my baby. Pop. Naming so bcs of she keep pooping around. She is an anggora bunny. Adopted her when she was just 1+months old. At first, the old owner told that she is a 'boy'. But then days by days we finally realize that she is a girl. Plan ruined bcs we decided to adopt two babies rabbits so that when they grow they can be mated together. But then........ Lets have a lesbian rabbits then.
Meanwhile this is Mr Am's bunny. Bulus. She is a teddy bear bunny. As I said before, we have planned like, I'm going to have a boy bunny meanwhile Mr Am is going to have a girl bunny. But unluckily, both of us have the girl bunnies. At first, we do know that Bulus is a girl because she has that girlish look, but she is so stubborn. When I touch her at first, she was quite aggressive. But Pop was quite tame. That's why I chose to make Pop as mine and give Bulus to Mr Am. But now it's changed. Pop is a very hyperactive girl. And Bulus is so so timid. So coward and so inactive. Put her outside and she will climb back to her house. Pop? Will do that too but takes time. She will wander around first and when is tired, she will climb to her house on herself. But that usually takes more time. 6-7 hours maybe? Or more than one night.... Or never.
When both of them were still babies. Mata sepet lagi time ni. Muka innocent gila. Best friend forever tu. (Sorang tu taktau yang sorang tu lagi menyampah dengan dia sebab asyik 'menempek' kat dia)
Okay, right now here we are. Tunaikan apa yang tertunda semalam ; Kaison. Bought those DIY frame yang diidam idamkan then bought some quotes frame & board for Mr Am's trading room. Beli 3 terus DIY frames tu haa amik kau. Tu pun nak ambil 4 sebenarnya but then cancel la buat apa banyak banyak nafsu syaitanirrojim je tu
Then, saw Kaison restocked many new items. Wallpapers, quote frames n etc. Rambang terus mata tengok semua barang tu. Kalau ikutkan nak je beli semua penuhkan rumah dengan quotes tu hehe but then fikir future fikir future nanti saving melayang ekonomi crush nak makan apa weii. So simpan dulu duit tu, go home, generate more money then baru la beli nak beli satu Kaison pun kan kan kan
Spent about more than one hour dkt Kaison searching for the perfect quote frame utk letak kat dinding belakang sofa but at last still didnt find anything suits that part. Ada tu ada, tapi cam mahal sangat, not worth buying for this time being. So, skip dulu, cari utk bilik-bilik dulu la then.
Pastu, cari wallpaper pun menyumbang kepada pembaziran masa kt Kaison. End up tak beli pun sebab tak jumpa yang cantik. That day ada jumpa wallpaper yang very cuteee that suits my house theme but sayang sebab that time we still renting at other's apartment so why should spend money kat rumah orang kan. I mean utk stuff2 yang boleh bawak pindah still boleh consider utk letak kat apartment rented but wallpaper kinda a big no kot. Hmmmm tapi tu la sekarang takde rezeki pulak nak jumpa wallpaper yang cantik tu Tapi takpela, keep waiting. Beautiful things that worth buying doesnt come easily aite. So hold dulu.
Now jalan jalan Tomaz jap teman En Hubby usha usha barang. Tengok orang lain pakai vogue vogue kot masuk kedai tu but Mr Am simple je pakai tshirt, jeans and selipar jepun. Tapiiii, orang taktau duit dia berkepuk tu. Pakai je camtu tapi akaun bank hmmmmmmm Alhamdulillah je la. Tapi still quite stingy. He said kedekut bukan sebab apa, sebab dia pernah rasa betapa susah nak cari duit. So normallah kalau nak rasa kedekut n berjimat cermat sikit kan. Betul jugak tu. Orang yang tahu macam mana susahnya nak cari duit je yang tahu kenapa kena jadi 'kedekut' and berjimat cermat.
Waiting Mr Am. Sofa dia empuk gila. Memang best spot untuk landing!
Then terkejar kejar g Daiso pulak. Unfortunately already closed sobsobsob Sabar je la. Its okay sbb already got that DIY frame kan, so nvm takde la kecewa sangat (walaupun kecewa jugak sikit huhu sebab teringin sangat nak beli something like a drawer or box untuk letak or hias trading desk Mr Am) but its okay la no problem next time. Takde rezeki agaknya.
So right now kitorang lepak kt kedai mamak depan cinema tu. Pekena laksa pinang satu, really mouthwatering oi sedap sangat. Dengan laparnya adei. Mr Am terus melahap walaupun laksa tu still panas. And im here, blogging, while waiting the laksa jadi sejuk sikit. Then, i got a surprise from Mr A. 
Jeng jeng jeng surprise apa tu?
Hehehe its from UMobile! Actually kitorang baru je subscribe plan P98 from UMobile in which we will get 30gb data & unlimited stream via VideoOnz (such as youtube, daily motion, erosnow, and etc) for RM98 per month. Baru few days susbcribe but the performance was incredible. Speed boleh tahan laju, tapi ada kuota la. Actually we tried to subscribe for UNifi and Streamyx but since our apartment area is still new, so connection or fibre utk those line still takde. Katanya dalam progression utk install but taktau how long will it takes to settle down. Since Mr Am need high speed internet to work, so nak taknak must search for alternative solution la kan. Alhamdulillah la jumpa UMobile ni.
Then apa yang surprisenya?
Haaa surprise nya bila UMobile dah tambah sharing partner dalam VideoOnz. New sharing partner dorang are Netflix, Facebook, and Twitter! So kalau nak bukak apa apa at that website, it is consider unlimited and will not use thw quote provided. Hehehhehehehhe semalam je baru cakap nape la UMobile tak bagi Facebook unlimited baru la best nak bukak video kt Fb. Ye la kan Fb kan banyak orang share video gak. Serba salah kadang kadang nak bukak sebab it will consume your quota. But now tak lagi hehehhehehehhehe Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah 😘😘😘😘😘
Haih panjangnya blogging kali ni. Dah la letib dah menaip ni. See ya.
With love,
Mrs Am.
Labels: daiso, jimat, kaison, tomaz, umobile, videoonz
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