Life Of A Struggler ♥ <data:blog.pageTitle/> | Struggler <data:blog.pageName/> | Secret Diary
Love the life you live. Live the life you love❤
Pruta & Rajtan
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 ? 010 Budak Comel ?

Hi. So we did this today; cutting all the veggies and packing all the spices into their specific bottles. So, start dari awal pagi sampai pukul 2-3 baru siap settling all of these including putting them into their own containers.

Susah wei potong sayur semua ni. Yela mana tak susahnya, banyak kot. Ada for about more than 17+ types of veggies to be cut. Luka? Tak payah tanya la dengan perangai clumsy and jenis buat kerja macam lipas kudung like me of course la adanya luka tu after cutting all the veggies. Luka dalam 3-4 tempat kot kat jari. Paling pedih yang part terpontong isi jari sik-ittttt masa potong halia.   Pedih sangat bila kena air, but keep going sebab nak settle kan hari ni jugak semuanya before class start next week. Class start dah busy, cannot allocate the perfect time to settle down all of these. So, daripada postpone kepada next week, why not settlekan hari ni jugak kan? Lagipun hari ni cuti hari Merdeka. Eh lupa, Selamat Hari Merdeka Malaysia. Semoga terus bebas dari penjajahan kuasa luar secara physically even though secara dalamannya I dont think that Malaysia has been fully 'merdeka' from anasir luar.

So, enough about that, first I start the process by settling down the carrot. Mula-mula ambil carrot sebab fikir senang nak buat & potong bagai, but then mashaAllah, nak buang kulit luar dia senang sangat, but bila nak potong into smaller cubes, susah sangattttt. Sebab dia punya isi dalam tu keras, so need more effort to cut. Already used 3 knives to cut it down. Thank God pisau yang last tu boleh (bolehla even still susah) untuk potong carrot tu dengan senang sikit. Potong carrot ni buat diri rasa nak give up betul. But then keep reminding myself yang the first step often is the hardest step. So, keep going keep going haha

See banyak mana pisau ada kat situ? 

Then after an hour, Mr Am bangun. Stop kejap, made him some breakfast, cereal & Smart Coco je sebab dapur penuh tak sempat nak buat Subway macam biasa.

Told you dapur penuh kan? Tu baru atas meja tu, sink, dapur cabinet & Kallax semua penuh dengan veggies. Excited sangat nak settle hari ni kan?  

Veggies ni semua baru beli semalam, after class dengan student, about 10.30 pm above dekat Tesco. Syukur sangat sebab Tesco extended its operation hourse due to public holiday. Sempat gak borong sayur mayur semua ni. Habis almost kat RM150 gak dalam proses memenuhkan peti ais ni. Taapi takpe, fikir nak buat makan je, beli je la.

Mr Am is helping cutting the bird's chili.

Then my sweet husband ni offer nak tolong. Maybe dia kesian after seeing I bertungkus lumus buat kerja ni. So, I give him bird's chili, onions, cabbage and a few veggies to be cut. Baik tau dia. After settling down his part, he went to his room, proceed trading balik. Keseorangan kembali di dapur settle kan about quarter job lagi..


Inilah Prutanya. Peminat tegar IKEA mesti tahu Pruta ni. Bought this at minus plus RM15 like that kat IKEA hari tu. Memang beli tujuan untuk veggies ni pun. Tu pun rasa tak cukup, next time boleh beli lagi kot, kan Mr Am? Hehehehehehehe 

After siap semua (about 3-4 hours duration), I put all those Prutas dalam fridge. Sesi memenuhkan fridge pulak. Nasib baik fridge besar, kalau tak mesti tak muat dah.

Hari ni Mr Am request masak Sup Ayam. So lepas siap kerja sayur tu, terus masak Sup Ayam. Since barang cukup, with all the veggies and spices, jadilah Sup Ayam yang sempurna & sedap heheheehhe. Before this nak masak mesti ada yang tak cukuplah, barang tu takdelah, ni takdelah, so result dia mesti tak umpphhh. Sekrang tak lagi, semua dah ada kannnnnn. Nak amik sayur apa, campak je dari Pruta tu. Senang!

Rajtan, the spice jars.

Yang ni pulak, RAJTAN nama diberi. Dia ni spice jar. Bought kat IKEA jugak. Satu packet rasanya RM4.90, ada 4 pieces. So beli, 3 packs, along with the spice rack, BEKVAM namanya. Harga, lupa pulak. Boleh usha kat website IKEA. Yang pastinya murah je hehehehe. Tapi kena pasang sendiri la ye kat dinding tu. Mine Mr Am yang tolong drillkan & pasangkan. Cantik kan. Tu pun tak cukup nak letak spices lagi tu. One day, if ada duit lebih, boleh beli lagi 1-2 set kot hehe. Apa pun tunggu approval dari Mr Am dulu. If dia okay, can buy more, yeay! But, for this time being, ini pun dah cukp. Dah bahagia sangat dah sebab dapur macam heaven. Cantik sangat. So, spend more time kat dapur wont be any problem for me.

So, this is how my kitchen looks like. Almost 99% we did it by ourselves. Masa mula mula masuk kosong je dapur, (maybe I can write new post kot how we turned our empty house to a home sweet home house). So, syukur sangat -sangat kat Allah sebab izinkan semua ni jadi. Especially for Mr Am. Without him, semua ni takkan jadi jugak. We both did our effort to gain more money for our own benefits. Ye la kan, both of us still studying and struggling for degree, but still at the same time, have our own house, fully decorated by us. Siapa cakap kahwin muda susah? Susah tu dalam semua kerja ada, but it depends on us, how do we handle those hardships. Kitorang face it together, kalau kerja, dua dua buat kerja tu sekali. Macam home tuition. He picked up the students (free transportation service for our students that stay nearby), and me myself preparing the exercises & searching for new students job pun under me. So, win-win situation la kan. Nak hidup senang, kena susah-susah dulu :) Apa apapun, sangat berpuas hati dengan rumah sekarang. Sebab semuanya dari our own effort. Maybe for other people nampak my kitchen ni biasa-biasa je, but they do not know how difficult these two degree students earning for money to have a kitchen like this. Hargai & sangat berpuas hati 

Nanti dah start class next week, hope kerja memasak jadi lebih mudah dengan Pruta ni. Nak masak apa, no need to spend more time in preparing the veggies. Just, amik onions, potong sikit, (onions kami tak potong siap-siap, just hiris kulit je sebab kata abah, onions tak boleh potong siap-siap nanti jadi beracun) Tak tahu betul ke tak but untuk elakkan risiko beracun, we just avoid that je la), tumis & campak je sayur mana yang nak. Ayam tak perlu potong dah sebab dah mintak orang Tesco potong siap-siap kecik kecik. Lagi senang. Just defrost je ayam tu dulu then campak dalam kuali. Senang sangat! 

Happy. Misi menggemukkan Mr Am jadi a lot easier with Pruta. So, belilah Pruta! Hehehehehehehe, gemuklah Mr Am nanti bini dia bagi makan macam-macam 

P/S : Hari ni kitorang cuti, takde class. So, sangat sangat happy sebab takde kekangan masa. Kerja itu best, but lagi best if can work with flexible hours.

Thanks for reading :)

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