Life Of A Struggler ♥ <data:blog.pageTitle/> | Struggler <data:blog.pageName/> | Secret Diary
Love the life you live. Live the life you love❤
Today's Mission.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 ? 010 Budak Comel ?

Today we went to Plaza Lowyat. Searching for Mr Am's trading appliances. Planned to buy new PC, new monitor, new mouse, new mouse & laptop mat, new speaker & so much more. Went there at 12 in the noon and arrived at there almost at 1.30 pm.

The traffic was quite jam. Wondering, orang lain tak pergi kerja ke hari ni? Kereta penuh kot atas jalan raya. Pelik. Maybe sebab lunch hour kot. Everyone rushed for lunch maybe. But, Plaza Lowyat pun penuh jugak. Sabar je la. Thought going shopping on weekdays can escape from traffic jam. But maybe indah khabar dari rupa agaknya. 

Then spent for almost four hours searching for the stuffs. Finally found the monitor, keyboard, mouse & laptop pad and Mr Am bought a new small cute fan for me. Happy happy happy.  Can put in my room and replace the old one. Old one still function well but somehow I feel that it is not 'cute' to be put on my table hehe. So thank Allah cs found this one yey! Comel sangat.

Kecik je but in picture it looks bigger. Speaker kat belakang tu Mr Am gave to me. Cs he had a new speaker kan. Happy lagi
Kemain speaker baru Mr Am. Vogue gitu. Nak mencari speakernya pun jenuh round kedai-kedai pc.

Mr Am looking for the perfect monitor.

So, this is how Mr Am's room upgrading progression.

So ini rupa bilik Mr Am before set up those new stuffs. Meja tu bought at IKEA, together with the computer chair.  Board yang dah ada tu bought at Kaison long time ago. Gambar gelap bcs Mr Am loves to sit in the dark with his beautiful blue back light. 


Tara! Cantik kannnnn. Dah full dah bilik dia tauuuuuu. Nanti kalau tak bersemangat jugak nak buat kerja taktau la nak cakap apa.   Isteri dia teman je dia pergi cari barang even kaki isteri dia sakit sebenarnya hehe but nvm as long as Mr Am is happy I am double triple happy =)

Cantik kan. Impressed saya dibuatnya. Pandai dia deco bilik dia tauuuuu    However, baru 70% done I guess. Need few stuffs lagi to turn the room completely like an office for a trader.

Nak bilik camni jugak T.T hehe takmo la buat apa bilik camni nanti tak studyyyy.

Then, went to rumah nenek. Nenek miss us a lot. Makan macam macam kat sini. Asam pedas, budu (budu nenek buat sedap gila), kacang panjang + tempe, and so much more. Nenek suka cucu dia datang sebab tu dia masak macam macam. Then she tapau us with Laksa Pinang that she made yesterday bcs she thought that we would come yesterday so she cooked Laksa for us actually semalam tu. We brought her a new rice cooker. Kesian rice cooker lama dia dah rosak so bagi yang baru kat dia =)

Acu pun balik bawak kek chocolate for her anak buah. Dia tahu anak buah dia suka kek hehe. Acu & nenek dua duanya baik. How lucky I am to have saudara in law yang sangat baikkkk.

So now class cancelled lagi. Tadi masa baru sampai rumah nenek both of us got headache. Sangat sakit, berpinar pinar mata. Maybe sebab jerebu kot. Plannya nak balik around 7pm so maybe sebab proceed with the class but then cancelled because too tired and sakit kepala so Mr Am cannot drive back home. Rest kejap sambil layan Sayangku Kapten Mukhriz. Dah nak habis dah katanya nenek. 

Around 8.30pm we drove back home. Jalan jam lagi. Tak habis habis jam sabar je la. Bump into an accident. Someone jatuh motor exactly behind our car. Kesian sangat. Nasib baik dorang takde apa apa :)

Then after the accident onwards, I slept in the car. Kepala berdenyut denyut sangat oi. Tak tahan so sleep je sepanjang perjalanan balik. Kesian Mr Am kena drive sorang sorang. Bertabah lah ye

Sampai rumah hilang terus headache tu. Pelik betul. Maybe lambat kot Paracetamol bagi kesan hmmmm. Or maybe too excited nak set up bilik Mr Am heheheheheheh. Dah bye tak larat nak tulis dah.

With love,
Mrs Am.

Thanks for reading :)

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