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Cooking Timetable.
Thursday, September 1, 2016 ? 010 Budak Comel ?

Today, is a longgggggg day   Dah buat few kerja rumah such as angkat kain, kemas dapur & sapu rumah sikit & the still got really bored so I did this. Actually idea ni dari Mr Am. He asked me to do the cooking time table bcs he gets tired every time I ask him what to cook. Dia pun takde idea nak suruh masak apa. So dia cakap why not I prepare a table so that nanti I can follow je apa yang tertulis kat table tu. Then, I said it is not a bad idea though. So, terjadinya table ni.

Actually I was going to write Jadual Masakan or Jadual Memasak as the title but then it seems not fit to be there. So terpaksalah replace COOK there huhuhuhu macam pelik but its okay. Rather than need to start the whole thing again better buat macam ni je kan kan kan. Nanti membazir je kertas.

I buat jadual ni for the whole night semalam. Bendanya senang sangat je but the laptop kept freezing on me! Kadang-kadang restart sendiri kadang-kadang need to be force shut down. Yang sedihnya, I tak sempat nak save the whole table kat Microsoft Word before it shuts down. So, hmmmm stress la jawabnya bila bukak Word tengok table to still empty sedangkan you dah fill almost 90% of it. Ingat senang ke nak cari idea nak masak apa untuk letak kat dalam table tu? Susah kuttttt. Lagi-lagi bila laptop shut down, so tabs yang kita guna untuk search for the recipe pun hilang bersamanya. Sabar je la  

Noticed that most of the recipe makan ayam je, why? Bcs benda tu je senang nak capai kat Tesco sini. Ikan, sotong, udang rarely there. Kadang-kadang ada but quite expensive. So, makanan yang macam tu just makan kat luar la when we hang out. Kadang-kadang masak gak but occasionally je la or bila Mr Am rajin & terasa nak makan seafood.

Tu dia. On my study table.

After done printing the table, tanya Mr Am where should I put this. Fikir punya fikir, big boss approved, suruh letak dekat fridge. Tempat lain macam kosong so macam tak sesuai tampal kat tempat lain. Lagipun kat fridge senang, sebab senang nak reach & tengok. So, inilah kesudahannya ~

Abaikan ipad tu. Was there to be used as a mini TV or mini radio untuk dengar time memasak. So takdelah kebosanan sangat kat dapur tu. Frame kat atas tu btw, is a frame my beloved parents' picture. Letak kat situ untuk motivatekan diri supaya rajin sikit memasak hehehehehehehe.

Zoom in punya view. Kat belakang tu actually ada kitchen rules. But terpaksa tutup sikit sebab dah tak jumpa tempat yang sesuai nak letak the timetable. Situ jugak nampak cantik. Haih.

So, after siap semua timetable tu, proceed to cooking. Hari ni kena masak Ayam Masak Paprik as the main menu & kobis & carrot goreng with fishcake as a complementary menu. And yeah, semalam dah siapkan semua sayur dalam Pruta kan? So harini kerja memasak less than half an hour kutttt sebab semua sayur already there. Just masukkan je dalam periuk tu hehehehehe.

Ayam Masak Paprik Versi Mrs Am. Ada pelbagai jenis sayur, kobis, lada, kacang panjang, carrots, and bird's chili. Kalau nak kena potong on the spot, maunya letak 1-2 sayur je dalam periuk tu. Ni since dah potong semua kan, letak je semua ikut resepi yang search kat google. Hehehehe. Btw, ni namanya actually Ayam Masak Paprik Ala Thai. I follow je recipe kat blog Resepi Citarasawan. Sedap menyengat. Tambah more bird's chili sebab Mr Am jenis suka spicy food. Dia kata tak sedap takpe, asalkan pedas. Tapi bini dia ni bonus, dahlah sedap, pedas pulak tu. Kohkohkoh masuk bakul angkat sendiri 

Hope dapat follow this timetable sepanjang hidup berkhidmat sebagai part time housewife ni. Risau nanti kelas dah start tak sempat-sempat pun nak follow. Nauzubillahiminzalik. Dah buat cantik-cantik takmao follow pulak. Bagi penampo biar sedar sikit. Membazir kertas je tahu.  

Btw, malam ni dah kerja. Ada class dengan few students yang akan sit for UPSR this 5th September 2016. So need to struggle more & drill the students with more exercises & discussions. So, hari hari akan datang ni class full sikit setiap hari sampai habis UPSR. Sebab nak settlekan pecutan akhir for the students. Really hope that all of them can score straight A's UPSR nanti. Aaamiin.

Thanks for reading :)

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