Genting Highland
Went there this weekend. But it was just a day trip. We never planned at all to go there, the idea was just popped out at the night before. So, since the sem break just left one more day to be enjoyed, so we decided to have a one day trip to Genting Highland. It was just an hour and half driving anyway, so I guess it shouldnt be a problem if we go there and go back home at the same day. Its not gonna be so tired as compared to Cameron Highland though.
Honestly, I'd never been there before. It was my first experience going to Genting Highland, especially with my loved one. At first, I was wondering how the Genting Highland look alike, is it the same as Cameron? Or even cooler? As everyone is saying that GH is a place for enjoy, full of casino and games, then it comes to my thought that, Is it GH just like a city in Los Angeles? Haha but then when we arrived, I guess it is not like that at all. It was just a little bit like Cameron Highland. Not so busy, or hustle bustle like how I imagined before. Hmmm, Maybe because the theme park is still under renovation kot.
This is the first place we go. After been searching about 15 minutes for a car park, at last we managed to park our car at a free car park. It is a 9-level building, which is served for the visitors to park their cars there. It was quite full though. After we parked the car, we when inside this building.
Cant remember what the building's name was, but it was so crowded with people! There were many foreigners also.
Jeng jeng jeng. Selfie with Mr Am. Didnt plan to wear the same color of clothes by the way. This picture was taken at a park, located in front of the Maxims Hotel if I am not mistaken. There were many people capture their sweet moments there. Yeah why not, it was the only perfect setting for a memorable picture then.
And this is me, Mrs Am. Sitting alone while waiting Mr Am done with his 'works'. It was not a really work though, he was just busy searching for the perfect setting to capture the pictures. I was bored, so I did this. Behind my back actually was a quite splendid view of a park, with almost all leaves greenish in color. It is so beautiful. It is just like a jungle in a centre of a city.
Enough with the pictures, we then felt very starving. So, we decided to have a simple meal or coffee before going back home. We had a coffee and red velvet cake at Starbucks, that located near the Maxims Hotel.
The cake was super duper tasty! With cheese on the top and in the middle of the red velvet cake, the taste was almost perfect and fulfil my stomach's wish. Had to share a coffee with Mr Am since I didnt really feel want to have a coffee at that time. I was quite sleepy, but I dont want to fight that feeling. At that time, I'm just thinking of completing the 'meal' asap and get into the car and then, SLEEP. I dont know why but I felt really fatigue and sleepy on that day. But still, had so much fun there.
Went there at about 1PM then we went back home at 8PM. It was a short trip though. Actually Mr Am did asked me whether I want to stay a night at there or not. Truth to be told, I really want to stay there for a night, but then the day after that I had a class at 8AM in the morning. It was my first class for this semester, so I think its not good to be absent at the first day. Mr Am agreed with me and then he told that next week (on Raya Haji Holiday) or maybe next time, we will go there again and have a night at one of grand hotel there. So excitedddd cant waitttttt. Hope Mr Am wont forget his promise herherherher.
With Love ,
Mrs Am.
Thanks for reading :)
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Honey in My Life ♥
Mr Am
My protector, my guardian, my teacher, my boss, my everything. Introvert just like me, but kind of strict and fierce person. Easily got pissed off with small things, cute in his own way. He is a part time student with his part time job as a software engineer and market analyzer & trader. Very attached to me hihi, which can be good, but sometimes can be bad because he cant do cleaning or stuffs like that, or even taking care of himself without my help. Loves rabbit and cats, or I can say that he is an animal lover with a sweet and gentle heart. He can be strict but he can be sweet at the same time. I love him so much. Cant imagine my life without him.
Ammi Abah Buah hati, permata hati, jantung, kesayangan, sweethearts & segalanyalah. They raised me. Jaga diri I bagaikan menatang minyak yang penuh. They gave me everything, and now it's my turn to give back. One day I will bring them to Makkah, I will give them everything that they want, I will take care of them just like how they took care of me. Sayang sangat kedua-duanya. Cant imagine my life without them. How I wish I can pay all the kindness, love that they had give me. Please ya Allah, take my life before them. I just cant live without the presence of them & Mr Am. Semua jasa mereka, hanya Allah yang mampu balas. Semoga syurga yang tertinggi dikurniakan buat mereka. Semoga mereka sentiasa sihat, murah rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan hidup. Love them so much!
My Cute Little Tiny Babies♥
This is my baby. Pop. Naming so bcs of she keep pooping around. She is an anggora bunny. Adopted her when she was just 1+months old. At first, the old owner told that she is a 'boy'. But then days by days we finally realize that she is a girl. Plan ruined bcs we decided to adopt two babies rabbits so that when they grow they can be mated together. But then........ Lets have a lesbian rabbits then.
Meanwhile this is Mr Am's bunny. Bulus. She is a teddy bear bunny. As I said before, we have planned like, I'm going to have a boy bunny meanwhile Mr Am is going to have a girl bunny. But unluckily, both of us have the girl bunnies. At first, we do know that Bulus is a girl because she has that girlish look, but she is so stubborn. When I touch her at first, she was quite aggressive. But Pop was quite tame. That's why I chose to make Pop as mine and give Bulus to Mr Am. But now it's changed. Pop is a very hyperactive girl. And Bulus is so so timid. So coward and so inactive. Put her outside and she will climb back to her house. Pop? Will do that too but takes time. She will wander around first and when is tired, she will climb to her house on herself. But that usually takes more time. 6-7 hours maybe? Or more than one night.... Or never.
When both of them were still babies. Mata sepet lagi time ni. Muka innocent gila. Best friend forever tu. (Sorang tu taktau yang sorang tu lagi menyampah dengan dia sebab asyik 'menempek' kat dia)
 Genting Highland
Went there this weekend. But it was just a day trip. We never planned at all to go there, the idea was just popped out at the night before. So, since the sem break just left one more day to be enjoyed, so we decided to have a one day trip to Genting Highland. It was just an hour and half driving anyway, so I guess it shouldnt be a problem if we go there and go back home at the same day. Its not gonna be so tired as compared to Cameron Highland though.
Honestly, I'd never been there before. It was my first experience going to Genting Highland, especially with my loved one. At first, I was wondering how the Genting Highland look alike, is it the same as Cameron? Or even cooler? As everyone is saying that GH is a place for enjoy, full of casino and games, then it comes to my thought that, Is it GH just like a city in Los Angeles? Haha but then when we arrived, I guess it is not like that at all. It was just a little bit like Cameron Highland. Not so busy, or hustle bustle like how I imagined before. Hmmm, Maybe because the theme park is still under renovation kot.
This is the first place we go. After been searching about 15 minutes for a car park, at last we managed to park our car at a free car park. It is a 9-level building, which is served for the visitors to park their cars there. It was quite full though. After we parked the car, we when inside this building.
Cant remember what the building's name was, but it was so crowded with people! There were many foreigners also.
Jeng jeng jeng. Selfie with Mr Am. Didnt plan to wear the same color of clothes by the way. This picture was taken at a park, located in front of the Maxims Hotel if I am not mistaken. There were many people capture their sweet moments there. Yeah why not, it was the only perfect setting for a memorable picture then.
And this is me, Mrs Am. Sitting alone while waiting Mr Am done with his 'works'. It was not a really work though, he was just busy searching for the perfect setting to capture the pictures. I was bored, so I did this. Behind my back actually was a quite splendid view of a park, with almost all leaves greenish in color. It is so beautiful. It is just like a jungle in a centre of a city.
Enough with the pictures, we then felt very starving. So, we decided to have a simple meal or coffee before going back home. We had a coffee and red velvet cake at Starbucks, that located near the Maxims Hotel.
The cake was super duper tasty! With cheese on the top and in the middle of the red velvet cake, the taste was almost perfect and fulfil my stomach's wish. Had to share a coffee with Mr Am since I didnt really feel want to have a coffee at that time. I was quite sleepy, but I dont want to fight that feeling. At that time, I'm just thinking of completing the 'meal' asap and get into the car and then, SLEEP. I dont know why but I felt really fatigue and sleepy on that day. But still, had so much fun there.
Went there at about 1PM then we went back home at 8PM. It was a short trip though. Actually Mr Am did asked me whether I want to stay a night at there or not. Truth to be told, I really want to stay there for a night, but then the day after that I had a class at 8AM in the morning. It was my first class for this semester, so I think its not good to be absent at the first day. Mr Am agreed with me and then he told that next week (on Raya Haji Holiday) or maybe next time, we will go there again and have a night at one of grand hotel there. So excitedddd cant waitttttt. Hope Mr Am wont forget his promise herherherher.
With Love ,
Mrs Am.
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