Life Of A Struggler ♥ <data:blog.pageTitle/> | Struggler <data:blog.pageName/> | Secret Diary
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Lets Make More Side Income!
Sunday, September 18, 2016 ? 010 Budak Comel ?
Really feel want to update this thing. So, here it is. 

So, this is what i did for the past few days. An advertisement for promoting my products. Actually, I started back doing my previous job, which I think I have quit for about a year maybe. I am being a dropshipper for Kak Yani. Oh well, let me introduce Kak Yani. She is an owner to a Jamu Shop at Rafica Resources. She has a shop nearby, which is located exactly at A.Suria, at a new shoplot there. She is a very kind woman, always help me with the explaination of the products. And sometimes, she also allow her dropshipper to take the to-be-sold products first, then can be paid later after the customer already make the payment. She is a very nice woman and kindhearted woman, and I guess that is why she can succeed in her job.

Tara. This is what i did. Cute rightt? At first, i was going to make a white black advertisement and then will be put under the door of the customer, but then it comes to my thought that they might throw away the advertisement since it looks so mainstream and bored to them. So that is why i make i colourful and put a little cute girl icon there. Hopefully the customer will keep that and use it when they need to buy something from me.

This is one of my way to make money. Actually I make money from various ways. Hmmm, nowadays Malaysia is having an economic downturn. So we need to do more than one job right? In order to survive. So, this is what I did for a couple few days before. Hopefully everyting will go as I will. 

P/S : Mr Am will drop me to those colleges so that I can distribute all the advertisement in front of each door.

Thanks for reading :)

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